Tuesday, September 29, 2009

God Is Faithful

In the midst of many new exciting Fall programs kicking off in our children’s ministry, I somehow found myself feeling a little discouraged last week. Don’t get me wrong, God had been faithful in directing our preparations, bringing volunteers who love kids, bringing the kids to the programs (big plus!), and bringing many wonderful moments when you see that one kid who “gets” what you are so trying to teach…… So why was I feeling discouraged? No good reason really! Just little stuff, like -- I still need a few more volunteers who really love kids to join our team to make each Sunday the BEST it can be…. Sunday’s new schedule didn’t flow as I had expected…. we ran out of time and didn’t get to that last important point…. things like this that can all be solved!

So I had sent an email to parents thanking them for going with the flow as we kick off new programs and try out new schedules, and this is a response that came within minutes:


Thank you for all you have done. I have to seek you out this Sunday to meet you. My son is in 3rd grade and just LOVES his Sunday school experience. We are fairly new and it is good to see him so engaged and happy. He is excited to attend each Sunday and spreads the word of the Lord with joy.


Wow. God is good. He worked through this mom to encourage me. Discouragement was replaced with JOY! God reminded me that although logistics and pre-planning are important, it is ALL about the kids and our opportunity to introduce them to Jesus and help them along in their faith journey. It is about a kid wanting to be here every Sunday to learn more and to experience the love of Jesus through all who interact with him or her. And with God’s help, we can be a place where they can find these things!

I wonder if that mom knew how much I needed that email just then?!

So we will probably always need more volunteers, and our schedule still needs some tweaking, but here is what I know for sure:

God is faithful, and for that I am so grateful!

Have you ever had one of these God moments? I’d LOVE to hear your stories!!!

-- Vicki Cromarty

1 comment:

  1. And WE think that God doesn't "speak" to us! That mom was God's grace in action! I recently re-read the book "The Shack." I wasn't sure why I wanted/needed to read it again, but shortly after completing the book I received the news that the Women's Walk to Emmaus that I was serving on was cancelled. At first I was disappointed but then the words of "Papa" from the book reminded me that God has a "perfect plan" for everything whether we understand it or not. I was at total peace knowing that God would use me again to serve Him in His time! Praise God! Linda Schmidt
