Monday, July 27, 2009

Safety At BUMC

A church can be many things: a place of worship, a place of gathering, community, learning and love. Having an open, inviting and welcoming atmosphere is very important to us and to those that call this their church home. We must always remember that though we may see this church as a blessing to share with our neighbors, not everyone that enters our doors is pure of heart and spirit.

It is important to all of the staff here at Broomfield United Methodist Church that everyone who visits our facility feel safe and be safe. The church building is open from 8:30 AM until 10:00 PM most days during the week. So any number of folks can and do come in for classes or meetings and sometimes, to pray.

The church is not regularly staffed before 8:30 AM, after 4:00 PM or on weekends, so it is very important that each person who is here be aware of who else is here and what else is going on. The schedule is posted by the main entrance. Listed after the jump are some common sense rules that each person should follow when they are here anytime, but especially after hours.

1. Keep valuables at home; if you do bring something with you (i.e. purse) either keep it with you at all times, or make sure it is secured at all times.
2. Check the schedule on the way in, know who and what else is going on in the building. This way you will be more likely to recognize something out of place.
3. Always try to leave in groups of two or more. It is safer in groups.
4. Ask someone you know and trust to walk you to your car.
5. If you are the first to arrive for your meeting and there is no one around, wait in your car until another person arrives and come into the building together.
6. If you know you will be here late, park your car in a well lit area that is clear of trees and bushes.
7. Have your keys and cell phone in your hand before exiting the building.
8. If you see what you think is unusual activity (i.e. someone removing a piano) call 911 for assistance.
9. Always turn on lights as you move through the building so you can see obstacles that might have gotten left out. Of course, please turn lights off when you leave.
10. If you feel threatened in anyway, if possible move yourself to safety before calling 911.

As much as we want to feel safe in our church and have faith in our fellow man (and woman), the world of today causes us to take pause even inside the walls of a church. Be vigilant in your safety even in God’s House!

-- Deb Dorough and Jack Lehr

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