Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The day is alive and that's why I cry...

There is a lot of Kingdom work happening at BUMC! Recently one of our members sent the following testimonial to Charlotte about the life change he's experienced since he started attending; we thank him for allowing us to share it with you!

When Jenn and I first started to visit BUMC (over 3 years ago) I was starting to climb out of a very low point of my spiritual journey.

After being very active at my "home" Lutheran church in Minnesota, I had not found a church home during my college years, and other than some extended visits back with my parents, I had spiritually "dried up" and it was not an easy thing to get back on track with.

Every Sunday morning I pretty much looked for a reason or excuse not to go to church, even though Jenn and I had agreed that it was time to find a Colorado church home. We tried three different Lutheran churches but none of them felt right to us, either they were too Catholic, too unfriendly, or something else. Now growing up I was always into traditional worship. I couldn't imagine becoming a regular attendee of a contemporary service. However, the first time we came to a 9:45am service at BUMC and heard the music—I was like, "Wow, this is really cool!" I think that Sunday the third song of opening music was David Crowder's "You Alone" and I just remember feeling torn down to the core and thinking how grateful I am just to be alive...and how good it feels just to be alive. I consider Carbon Leaf's "Let your troubles roll by" (track 9 on the album) to be a very spiritual song for me, especially when in the last verse he sings "So pay no mind, my sorrow is fine, the day is alive and that's why I cry."

Getting the chance to work so closely with the music program at BUMC has been a true blessing for me. The people that I've met are like family. I feel we can share anything that's on our mind, be it a prayer concern or just a funny joke. I wanted to say thanks for giving me the opportunities that I've had the chance to share in. Even a bad day working with the music worship team is better than most people's good days in my book.

Now, rather than looking for an excuse not to go to church, it's exciting for me every Sunday to be at BUMC. Even if we're tired and had a long Saturday night of fellowship with friends, I'm thrilled to get to church and see my Colorado "family" at BUMC.


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