Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The Gift of Snow

I used to view snowstorms as an inconvenience, but I’ve come to understand that snow is a wonderful gift from God. Last week’s storm was a particular delight, with the opportunities it presented for renewal. Where I live, we received about two feet, and that blanket of white was a delicate masterpiece. The gentle, smooth formations were beautiful to see, and the silence was refreshing. A warm fire inside completed the scene.

I can’t remember a storm that lasted so long, and Thursday’s “snow day” was a great opportunity for Sabbath. Such moments of unexpected rest are like a selah in the Psalms, a mysterious break in the text that provides for a reflective pause. The pace of life is undeniably fast, but God invites us to slow down and enjoy the beauty of his creation. I am finding that as I slow down, breathe, and contemplate, I am able to learn and grow in Christ. The margins and spaces in my schedule are a blessing – if I don’t fill them.

Snow is a gift, pure and simple. I will not soon forget the song that Sharon Leidy sang, presenting snow as a metaphor for God’s forgiveness. Snow covers the imperfections of the landscape, and that is a telling image for the way God covers our own imperfections. The snow comes whether it is forecasted or not (this time it was!), whether we want it or not, whether we pray for it or not. The gift arrives, and all I can do is make a choice: receive it or resent it. Receiving the gift is a lot more fun, I must say!

What impact did this recent storm have upon you? We invite you to share your thoughts.

-- Thomas

1 comment:

  1. Good thoughts, Thomas. To me, the snow was a reminder of God's sovereignty and grace. Sovereignty, in that he is really the one in control, and grace, because, as you stated, he covers the imperfections in our lives.
