Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Letter from the Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees has been reviewing safety and security policies and procedures to address the needs of the church and all who enter the doors. During the school year we are blessed with the hundreds of children and youth who enter our church for various programs. God has blessed our staff and volunteers with the talents and creativity to enrich the Christian experience for each child.

The challenge for the staff and Board of Trustees is to balance the many groups wanting to use the facility and the various program requirements. To support the continuation of the current programs and future programs, the Board of Trustees has prayed about the issues and responsibilities, evaluated logically the needs and demands, and then prayed again for guidance from God who makes all things possible. The Biblical guidance came from Matthew 19: 13-14

Then the little children were brought to Jesus for him to place his hands on them and pray for them. But the disciples rebuked those who brought them. Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”
The Apple Tree Pre-school and Kindergarten School has been a mission outreach for this church for 14 years. Many families have found quality early education for their children and families have then become part of our faith community. The Apple Tree School is required by the State of Colorado to have a security plan to protect the children during the hours of operation. The Board of Directors for the Apple Tree School has asked the church to partner with them to provide an improved security plan for the children and to help the school meet the state regulations.

After prayerful consideration, the Board of Trustees has approved a policy to improve the safety and security for the school children and improve compliance with state regulations. The new flow to and from the building will improve the safety for everyone. The key points of the policy are:

  • There will be controlled access to the church for the school and all visitors during school hours.
  • For church members and visitors, the entrance to the church will be through the main entrance by the church office.
  • Individuals coming into the building through the main entrance will be asked to sign in. This is a State requirement for school licensure.
  • Broomfield High students arriving for the noon time lunch group will enter only through the east 200 wing door and will go directly to the basement youth room.
  • High School students attending Jesus Pizza on Wednesdays will have a controlled access and exit from the building.
  • The entrance for the Apple Tree students and parents will be through the door between the Sanctuary and the Family Life Center. The staff of the school will be responsible for sign in and out of the ATPK students and parents.

The exterior doors of the church will be rekeyed. BUMC staff will be the only individuals with new keys. The key to the front entrance door by the church office will remain the same. Groups using the church after hours will continue to have access through the front entrance by the office. A key inventory system will be in place to allow keys to be checked out and returned.

The BUMC facility staff has been diligent in reviewing all plans with the Broomfield Fire Department.

I am available to discuss your questions regarding the improved safety and security of the church. My home contact number is 303-465-1478 and my home email address is

Prayers and blessings,

Diann Eason

Chairperson, BUMC Board of Trustees

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