Tuesday, August 18, 2009

"Journey Home," the Summer Musical – a Thank You from Charlotte

Charlotte Sass wrote the following letter of thanks to the folks who were involved in the children's summer musical production of "Journey Home," which was performed August 9 in the Family Life Center. We want to share it with the entire BUMC community as a testament to how God continues to move in people's lives, no matter their stage of life!


Dear all:

I don’t really know where to begin with my words of love and gratitude to all of you – as parents, as children, as volunteers… as COMMUNITY! I have had many folks write to me or talk to me to tell me that this evening, this children’s production, this special experience… touched them or healed them in deeply personal ways. Most of these people did not have children in the show, which just goes to speak to the ministry God has these children doing. I personally understand what these folks are talking about, because I am one of them.

Most of you know that I lost my husband a little over a year ago, and I lost my heart for a long while to total brokenness. I acutely understand that brokenness, in this world, is very real and always present. But, I am also witness to the extraordinary reality that God’s love, the love of community, and the pure joy of children – heals. I have not laughed like I have with these children over the past week for a VERY long time… in fact, I am still laughing at new stories from backstage, or from remembering something priceless that happened on stage – and my stomach hurts from it! What an extraordinary GIFT! I also continue to be touched by the incredible ways these children modeled what it is to be a community of support, encouragement, and humility with each other.

Someone wrote me and eloquently iterated that the minor “hiccups” during the show didn’t at all detract from the message, that in fact, they enhanced God’s message. He said, “though all is not perfect, the spirit and His love are constant and nothing will lessen it.” I felt the same way (which is rare for me – I tend to be one of those worldly perfectionists, but God really spoke to me in the mistakes!) as I watched the kids show me pure joy in their candid unscripted moments. Of course, there were also moments of artistic beauty as well… These kids are capable of so much!

So, THANK YOU. Thank you to the parents first and foremost for the not so small chore of getting your kids to and from rehearsals! Thank you for your patience when we ran over! Thank you for all the other ways each of you supported this ministry, parents and volunteers … there were SO MANY who helped so significantly, the list is huge: choreography, set, lights, spots, sound, band, costumes, make-up, snacks, tickets, programs, gifts, cakes, backstage support, costume changes, concessions, chairs, set up, tear down… the list goes on and on. I am downright honored to be a part of true Christian community – one which is not perfect, but one which is genuine.

Most importantly, I want to thank the kids. They were perfect in their love and joy, inspirational in their hard work and character, and I am grateful and honored to have worked with them.

God’s peace to each and every one of you.


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