The Financial Peace class will be well worth your while. This class was life changing for our family’s financial situation. Upon your completion of this series you will have gained peace with your finances and knowledge to move forward and change your financial habits. This class opened the door to financial communication within our marriage and a common understanding of our financial goals for our family. People within all walks of life have something to gain and learn from this class, whether it is a young adult who faces college debt or perhaps the newly retired individual. I would compare it to being as important as an individual wearing armor into battle or arming oneself with the spiritual word of God. It is equally important to arm yourself with tools, resources and understanding of the financial realm for the times we live in. Our family was fortunate enough to embark upon this journey of financial peace, which as you learn from the class is not a sprint but a marathon of life. With the completion of the class, I am happy to say we are debt free and have begun building our emergency fund with monthly savings! We could not have made these changes any other way. Try to imagine learning about budgeting, credit or debt in a fun manner. This is exactly the experience you will have! I feel prepared now to raise a family and have the security knowing our finances are under control. If you continue to look the other way, you might look back with regret upon not having gained the knowledge to deal with your finances. Thank you, Financial Peace University, for allowing me to sleep at night knowing that our finances are no longer controlling us, but that we have taken the reins. -Anonymous Writer
The Bible is filled with relevant wisdom on saving, spending, debt and investing. Whether you are well off or struggling, Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University will show you how to apply biblical truths to your life today! The course is a 13-week, video-based small group that teaches families how to beat debt, build wealth and give generously. Meetings are Tuesdays at 7pm starting Sept. 6. Materials cost $100 per family, and scholarships are available. For details or to register, contact Clayton Shearer at 303-550-8776 or clayton.shearer@natplan.com.
Youth Financial Peace University
A middle and high school Financial Peace University class starts on Sunday, Sept. 11 at 9:45am and will last eight weeks. The $20 cost includes a booklet, the classes and a t-shirt! Sign up with Pete Smith (pete.smith@broomfieldumc.org) for this amazing opportunity to gain financial wisdom at an early age!
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