by Jodi Ashley
A long time ago—when I was six months old—I was baptized in the Sanctuary (now the Fellowship Hall). When I was three years old, I toddled my way through the weddings of my oldest sister and oldest brother. The Vietnam War was well underway and both my brother and brother-in-law were being deployed. Shortly after, my family moved to Evergreen. In my late twenties I returned to BUMC and my two-year-old son Nicholas and six-month-old daughter Alessandra were baptized in the Sanctuary (now the Chapel). I joined the choir and quickly became part of the Contemporary Music Ministry where I have served for the past fifteen years. Last year, as many of you know, I married my best friend, Mitchell, in what is now the Sanctuary! Throughout my life there has always been one constant—BUMC. It is the place I call home, and it is a vibrant, growing place to worship and praise God.
BUMC is filled with people who have a heart for serving God. In John 13:14-15, Jesus said, “If I then, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you too ought to wash one another’s feet. For I have given you an example: you should do just as I have done for you.” In the spirit of John 13, on Sunday morning, Sept. 11 we are hosting a Servant’s Fair for the Contemporary Worship & Arts Ministry in the Lobby where you can learn about opportunities to serve.
If you have computer skills, enjoy photography, use a video camera or posses a strong creative streak, you might be interested in serving as a camera operator, or creating and displaying the media projected during worship services, including filming and producing videos for BUMC. Those with strong technical proficiency and organizational skills might be interested in serving in our technical director role. If you have the basic skills needed and a heart to serve, the ministry team will provide all the training you need.
We are always in need of talented vocalists and musicians who have experience in a small team setting. We need vocalists who love to sing God’s praises in a contemporary style, have a strong ear for vocal parts and a passion for blending with other vocalists. Instrumental opportunities include guitar, bass, drums, piano, violin, cello, mandolin, brass instruments, etc. Participants must be 18 or older. Auditions are part of the process for participating as a vocalist or instrumentalist.
In addition to worship, the team also has a small group (Jesus Uncorked) that meets weekly, the 3 J’s ministry (Jesus, Jammin’ & Java) that meets monthly to relax, eat and play music together, and we hold additional yearly gatherings so we can fellowship together. We look forward to seeing you on Sept. 11!
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