Our church is hosting an awesome seminar for moms coming up in a couple of weeks – Saturday, November 7th starting at 8:30 a.m. for registration and continental breakfast, with the seminar from 9-12:30. It is called The 7 Principles of Intentional Moms. We have had this seminar scheduled for months and now it is almost here! I’m so excited!
My excitement is mostly about our seminar speaker, Catherine Hickem, and the way God uses her to bless moms!! Catherine is the founder of a ministry called Intentional Moms (http://www.intentionalmoms.org/), and I had the privilege of getting to know her when I lived in South Florida a few years ago. Catherine is a pastor’s wife, a licensed therapist, and a dynamic ministry leader. She has been gifted by God with an anointed teaching gift, and an amazing heart for moms! She is an author of the book Raising Your Children With No Regrets: 7 Principles of an Intentional Mother
You can see a detailed description of the seminar on the above website. It is called The 7 Principles of Intentional Moms. (You can register to come at that website too!)
In my experience as a mom and in meeting hundreds of moms through ministry, I think moms need and want connectedness… and we also want to be the best mom we can possibly be! And we want HOPE, am I right? When I first attended Catherine’s seminar a few years ago, it was an absolute blessing for me as a mom. I learned to have more confidence in being the mom that God created me to be, and to understand that He chose me specifically to be the mom of my child! Still today I hear Catherine’s Godly words in my mind when I am in difficult or challenging parenting situations.
So that brings me to the cool thing that has been happening. Of course with the seminar coming up, our team at the church has been telling EVERYONE that we know about this event!! So as I tell people about her or the seminar or what it has meant to me, every single time while I’m talking I have chills run through my body!! I truly believe that it's the Holy Spirit. I’m not sure what exactly the message is that I’m meant to be getting, but I know that it means God is excited about the hearts that are going to be blessed. My prayer continues to be that Catherine’s seminar will touch MANY hearts in the Denver area!
As Catherine’s ministry assistant said to me recently, everyone goes home from this seminar with something practical that will help her specific family. It may not be the actual words Catherine spoke, but the Holy Spirit will speak to each person’s situation individually through the seminar.
I hope you will join us as we are blessed by Catherine’s gifts. To register, see our website or contact me at 720-880-5227. And did I mention there is a free childcare program? :) Hope to see you soon!! Give a gift to yourself and come!
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