When I returned to the office from lunch this afternoon, Kay immediately pulled me over to the window near my desk to show me the young red fox that had decided to take a nap behind the juniper bushes. She (at least, we think the fox is a she) is still there as I type, periodically raising her head when she hears a group of students or a loud truck go past. Otherwise, she has seemed to enjoy her refuge, unaware of the humans spying on and taking pictures of her from behind our reflective windows.

Although folklore has taught me that foxes don't necessarily lead what could be called peaceful lives, watching her from such close proximity reminded me of what a gift it
is to live in Colorado and to have moments like this, which then brought to mind Wendell Berry's beautiful poem "The Peace of Wild Things." (We don't have permission to reprint it, but this website does.) May we all rest in the grace of the world with all of God's creatures.
Oh, she's gone now, spooked by the slam of a car door. I keep looking over my shoulder to see if she's returned to her spot, but she's moved on for the evening. Have a good night, little fox...
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