Some of you might not know that I work for BUMC…from Indiana! Technology has allowed me to stay in touch with all of you at BUMC and keep my job from over 1,000 miles away – very cool!
I was recently looking through a journal entry written while living in Colorado, and wanted to share some of it with you:
I once told a friend that I felt like I was in a whirlwind, and this wise friend said, “Kendra, whirlwinds can be quite beautiful sometimes, as long as you don’t get caught up in them.” I like that image…and reminder to step back and be still. :)

I was recently looking through a journal entry written while living in Colorado, and wanted to share some of it with you:
The blessing of having so many incredible people in our lives while in Colorado has been overwhelming at times. To love people and feel loved by so many is truly such a gift! Have we had difficult moments here in CO? Absolutely. God has stretched us, ripped our hearts up and sewn them back together, allowed people to really pierce us where it hurts…but we’ve always felt a peace from Him that ran even deeper than the painful moments…we were and are called to be here now…and that peace is what has sustained us. We joked when making the decision about whether to move out here that, “You can’t say no to God.” Usually a sentence would begin from one of our mouths, “What about….?” And then we would both say, “But you can’t say no to God!” (and this pattern would repeat about every 15 minutes as doubts arose!). Our heads were working overtime, but our hearts knew what we needed to do.I’ve found that regardless of where I’m at in life, my head has a tendency to work overtime. The funny thing is that I KNOW that if I just take a moment to stop, breathe, and listen to God, I usually find my heart quieted enough to quiet my head as well…yet I often don’t take that moment to do so. Why is it so difficult to just STOP and be still sometimes? How do you best make yourself have those still, quiet moments that God yearns to have with us?
I once told a friend that I felt like I was in a whirlwind, and this wise friend said, “Kendra, whirlwinds can be quite beautiful sometimes, as long as you don’t get caught up in them.” I like that image…and reminder to step back and be still. :)
I have to agree with you. Especially in this modern world of ours, where multi-tasking is almost a requirement to everyday living. Sometimes it's very hard to take a deep breath and step back. I try to do that once a day, myself, but it isn't easy to find even a few moments some days. I do find that when I can step back, breath deep and, usually, recite a scripture verse, everything slows down, if only for a few minutes and I feel so much more at peace and, in a few cases, strengthened beyond what I thought was possible. Thanks for the post. It made me glad to know that I'm not the only one feeling like I'm stuck in a whirlwind. And God can still the winds - if we let him.
ReplyDeleteAfter half a century of life, it has occurred to me that life's REAL lessons are those we learned in Sunday School. Be fair, friendly, honest, respectful and love one another.