Friday, May 31, 2013

Daily Scripture May 31, 2013

John 16:14-16 14 He will glorify me, because he will take what is mine and proclaim it to you. 15 Everything that the Father has is mine. That’s why I said that the Spirit takes what is mine and will proclaim it to you. 16 Soon you won’t be able to see me; soon after that, you will see me.”

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Daily Scripture May 30, 2013

John 16:12-13 12 “I have much more to say to you, but you can’t handle it now. 13 However, when the Spirit of Truth comes, he will guide you in all truth. He won’t speak on his own, but will say whatever he hears and will proclaim to you what is to come.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Daily Scripture May 29, 2013

Proverbs 8:10-11 Take my instruction rather than silver, knowledge rather than choice gold. 11 Wisdom is better than pearls; nothing is more delightful than she.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Daily Scripture May 28, 2013

Proverbs 8:6-9 Listen, for I speak things that are correct; from my lips comes what is right. 7 My mouth utters the truth; my lips despise wickedness. 8 All the words of my mouth are righteous; nothing in them is twisted or crooked. 9 All of them are straightforward to those who understand, and upright for the knowledgeable.

Monday, May 27, 2013

Daily Scripture May 27, 2013

Proverbs 8:5-6 Understand skill, you who are naive. Take this to heart, you fools. 6 Listen, for I speak things that are correct; from my lips comes what is right.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Daily Scripture May 26, 2013

Proverbs 8:1-4 Doesn’t Wisdom cry out and Understanding shout? 2 Atop the heights along the path, at the crossroads she takes her stand. 3 By the gate before the city, at the entrances she shouts: 4 I cry out to you, people; my voice goes out to all of humanity.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Daily Scripture May 25, 2013

Acts 2:5-13 5 There were pious Jews from every nation under heaven living in Jerusalem. 6 When they heard this sound, a crowd gathered. They were mystified because everyone heard them speaking in their native languages. 7 They were surprised and amazed, saying, “Look, aren’t all the people who are speaking Galileans, every one of them? 8 How then can each of us hear them speaking in our native language? 9 Parthians, Medes, and Elamites; as well as residents of Mesopotamia, Judea, and Cappadocia, Pontus and Asia, 10 Phrygia and Pamphylia, Egypt and the regions of Libya bordering Cyrene; and visitors from Rome (both Jews and converts to Judaism), 11 Cretans and Arabs—we hear them declaring the mighty works of God in our own languages!” 12 They were all surprised and bewildered. Some asked each other, “What does this mean?” 13 Others jeered at them, saying, “They’re full of new wine!”

Friday, May 24, 2013

Daily Scripture May 24, 2013

Acts 2:1-4 2 When Pentecost Day arrived, they were all together in one place. 2 Suddenly a sound from heaven like the howling of a fierce wind filled the entire house where they were sitting. 3 They saw what seemed to be individual flames of fire alighting on each one of them. 4 They were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other languages as the Spirit enabled them to speak.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Daily Scripture May 23, 2013

John 14:13-15 13 I will do whatever you ask for in my name, so that the Father can be glorified in the Son. 14 When you ask me for anything in my name, I will do it. I won’t leave you as orphans 15 “If you love me, you will keep my commandments.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Daily Scripture May 22, 2013

John 14:11-12 11 Trust me when I say that I am in the Father and the Father is in me, or at least believe on account of the works themselves. 12 I assure you that whoever believes in me will do the works that I do. They will do even greater works than these because I am going to the Father.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Daily Scripture May 21, 2013

John 14:7-10 If you have really known me, you will also know the Father. From now on you know him and have seen him.” 8 Philip said, “Lord, show us the Father; that will be enough for us.” 9 Jesus replied, “Don’t you know me, Philip, even after I have been with you all this time? Whoever has seen me has seen the Father. How can you say, ‘Show us the Father’? 10 Don’t you believe that I am in the Father and the Father is in me? The words I have spoken to you I don’t speak on my own. The Father who dwells in me does his works.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Daily Scripture May 20, 2013

Psalm 104:31-34 31 Let the Lord’s glory last forever! Let the Lord rejoice in all he has made! 32 He has only to look at the earth, and it shakes. God just touches the mountains, and they erupt in smoke. 33 I will sing to the Lord as long as I live; I will sing praises to my God while I’m still alive. 34 Let my praise be pleasing to him; I’m rejoicing in the Lord!

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Daily Scripture May 19, 2013

Psalm 104:24-30 24 Lord, you have done so many things! You made them all so wisely! The earth is full of your creations! 25 And then there’s the sea, wide and deep, with its countless creatures— living things both small and large. 26 There go the ships on it, and Leviathan, which you made, plays in it! 27 All your creations wait for you to give them their food on time. 28 When you give it to them, they gather it up; when you open your hand, they are filled completely full! 29 But when you hide your face, they are terrified; when you take away their breath, they die and return to dust. 30 When you let loose your breath, they are created, and you make the surface of the ground brand-new again.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Daily Scripture May 18, 2013

Psalm 103:6-13 The Lord works righteousness; does justice for all who are oppressed. 7 God made his ways known to Moses; made his deeds known to the Israelites. 8 The Lord is compassionate and merciful, very patient, and full of faithful love. 9 God won’t always play the judge; he won’t be angry forever. 10 He doesn’t deal with us according to our sin or repay us according to our wrongdoing, 11 because as high as heaven is above the earth, that’s how large God’s faithful love is for those who honor him. 12 As far as east is from west—that’s how far God has removed our sin from us. 13 Like a parent feels compassion for their children— that’s how the Lord feels compassion for those who honor him.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Daily Scripture May 17, 2013

Psalm 103:1-5 Let my whole being bless the Lord! Let everything inside me bless his holy name! 2 Let my whole being bless the Lord and never forget all his good deeds: 3 how God forgives all your sins, heals all your sickness, 4 saves your life from the pit, crowns you with faithful love and compassion, 5 and satisfies you with plenty of good things so that your youth is made fresh like an eagle’s.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Precious, Honored, and Loved

By Ken Brown,

When my daughters were in elementary school my family prayer sign-off line was “girls, remember you are precious, honored and loved” (Isaiah 43:4). I hoped this assurance would stick to their souls whenever they doubted anything about life, including my support of their choices. Was I successful? I do not know.

I do know that our middle daughter, Katelyn, graduated “on time” with high academic marks; she starts graduate school in the fall; has a dude dedicated to her well-being (I’m still not crazy about this development), and good friends who have helped her to maintain her faith. As she sauntered across the stage at Macky Auditorium last Saturday to receive her degree, I marveled at her confidence, grace and glamour. And she was decidedly “precious, honored and loved” by her cheering section for that unforgettable moment.

Later that day I stumbled across a piece of rope I received on Easter 2012 and I boisterously praised God for holding on to Katelyn when I was not on belay. May she forever hold on to Jesus as she commences in God’s future. 

Daily Scripture May 16, 2013

Hebrews 12:1-7 So then let’s also run the race that is laid out in front of us, since we have such a great cloud of witnesses surrounding us. Let’s throw off any extra baggage, get rid of the sin that trips us up, 2 and fix our eyes on Jesus, faith’s pioneer and perfecter. He endured the cross, ignoring the shame, for the sake of the joy that was laid out in front of him, and sat down at the right side of God’s throne. 3 Think about the one who endured such opposition from sinners so that you won’t be discouraged and you won’t give up. 4 In your struggle against sin, you haven’t resisted yet to the point of shedding blood, 5 and you have forgotten the encouragement that addresses you as sons and daughters: My child, don’t make light of the Lord’s discipline or give up when you are corrected by him, 6 because the Lord disciplines whomever he loves, and he punishes every son or daughter whom he accepts. 7 Bear hardship for the sake of discipline. God is treating you like sons and daughters! What child isn’t disciplined by his or her father?

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Finding the Flower in a Weed

By Andrea Laser,

A couple of weeks ago my family took a small road trip to visit my husband’s grandmother in Nebraska for her 90th birthday. We made more stops than usual as we traveled with our 10-month-old, Wyatt and 4-year-old, Paxton. About two hours into the trip, we took our first break at a rest stop in Sterling, Colorado. As we were getting ready to go, Paxton started running toward the middle of what looked to me to be a desolate field. As usual, I rushed him, “Come on, Paxton, let’s go!” He told me he saw something and to hold on. I repeated, “We need to get going, let’s go!” Paxton kept running, until he suddenly stopped, squatted down and picked a dandelion. "Look, mom a beautiful flower!”  He proudly showed me this “flower” and proceeded to give it to me. “I picked it for you,” he said. I thanked him, took the flower and tucked it inside the heating vent in my car.
As we kept driving, I looked at the dandelion and started to think about all the “beautiful flowers” I miss in life. At the rest stop, I saw nothing but weeds and wild grass growing, but through the eyes of a child there was a beautiful flower. Later the same week, a child in my class ran up to me at the beginning of class and very excitedly said, “Miss Andrea, the playground has beautiful purple flowers growing in it!” At recess she showed me the beautiful purple “flowers,” which again, were weeds growing in the gravel. 
When a series of events happens that make me notice something, I have to stop and believe God is trying to send me a message. I reflected on my personality and realized that sometimes I wander through life looking at the weeds instead of the flowers, but maybe that isn’t how God intends my life to be. 
Does God want us to look at “life weeds” as problems or does he want us to see the weeds for beautiful flower-like qualities? I believe he wants us to find the flower, “The light shines in the darkness and the darkness cannot extinguish it.” (John 1:5).  

Daily Scripture May 15, 2013

Philippians 2:12-16 12 Therefore, my loved ones, just as you always obey me, not just when I am present but now even more while I am away, carry out your own salvation with fear and trembling. 13 God is the one who enables you both to want and to actually live out his good purposes. 14 Do everything without grumbling and arguing 15 so that you may be blameless and pure, innocent children of God surrounded by people who are crooked and corrupt. Among these people you shine like stars in the world 16 because you hold on to the word of life. This will allow me to say on the day of Christ that I haven’t run for nothing or worked for nothing.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Daily Scripture May 14, 2013

Romans 8:1-6 So now there isn’t any condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. 2 The law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set you free from the law of sin and death. 3 God has done what was impossible for the Law, since it was weak because of selfishness. God condemned sin in the body by sending his own Son to deal with sin in the same body as humans, who are controlled by sin. 4 He did this so that the righteous requirement of the Law might be fulfilled in us. Now the way we live is based on the Spirit, not based on selfishness. 5 People whose lives are based on selfishness think about selfish things, but people whose lives are based on the Spirit think about things that are related to the Spirit. 6 The attitude that comes from selfishness leads to death, but the attitude that comes from the Spirit leads to life and peace.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Daily Scripture May 13, 2013

Monday: Romans 7:21-25 21 So I find that, as a rule, when I want to do what is good, evil is right there with me. 22 I gladly agree with the Law on the inside, 23 but I see a different law at work in my body. It wages a war against the law of my mind and takes me prisoner with the law of sin that is in my body. 24 I’m a miserable human being. Who will deliver me from this dead corpse? 25 Thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord! So then I’m a slave to God’s Law in my mind, but I’m a slave to sin’s law in my body.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Daily Scripture May 12, 2013

Sunday: Romans 7:14-20 14 We know that the Law is spiritual, but I’m made of flesh and blood, and I’m sold as a slave to sin. 15 I don’t know what I’m doing, because I don’t do what I want to do. Instead, I do the thing that I hate. 16 But if I’m doing the thing that I don’t want to do, I’m agreeing that the Law is right. 17 But now I’m not the one doing it anymore. Instead, it’s sin that lives in me. 18 I know that good doesn’t live in me—that is, in my body. The desire to do good is inside of me, but I can’t do it. 19 I don’t do the good that I want to do, but I do the evil that I don’t want to do. 20 But if I do the very thing that I don’t want to do, then I’m not the one doing it anymore. Instead, it is sin that lives in me that is doing it.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Daily Scripture May 11, 2013

John 17:20-26 20 “I’m not praying only for them but also for those who believe in me because of their word. 21 I pray they will be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. I pray that they also will be in us, so that the world will believe that you sent me. 22 I’ve given them the glory that you gave me so that they can be one just as we are one. 23 I’m in them and you are in me so that they will be made perfectly one. Then the world will know that you sent me and that you have loved them just as you loved me. 24 “Father, I want those you gave me to be with me where I am. Then they can see my glory, which you gave me because you loved me before the creation of the world. 25 “Righteous Father, even the world didn’t know you, but I’ve known you, and these believers know that you sent me. 26 I’ve made your name known to them and will continue to make it known so that your love for me will be in them, and I myself will be in them.”

Friday, May 10, 2013

Daily Scripture May 10, 2013

Psalm 97:10-12 10 Those of you who love the Lord, hate evil! God guards the lives of his faithful ones, delivering them from the power of the wicked. 11 Light is planted like seed for the righteous person; joy too for those whose heart is right. 12 Rejoice in the Lord, righteous ones! Give thanks to his holy name!

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Daily Scripture May 9, 2013

Psalm 97:7-9 All those who worship images, those who are proud of idols, are put to shame. All gods bow down to the Lord! 8 Zion has heard and celebrates, the towns[a] of Judah rejoice, because of your acts of justice, Lord, 9 because you, Lord, are the Most High over all the earth, because you are so superior to all other gods.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Daily Scripture May 8, 2013

Psalm 97:1-6 The Lord rules! Let the earth rejoice! Let all the islands celebrate! 2 Clouds and thick darkness surround God. His throne is built on righteousness and justice. 3 Fire proceeds before him, burning up his enemies on every side. 4 His lightning lights up the world; the earth sees it and trembles! 5 The mountains melt like wax before the Lord, before the Lord of the whole world! 6 Heaven has proclaimed God’s righteousness, and all nations have seen his glory.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Daily Scripture May 7, 2013

Acts 16:31-34 31 They replied, “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved—you and your entire household.” 32 They spoke the Lord’s word to him and everyone else in his house. 33 Right then, in the middle of the night, the jailer welcomed them and washed their wounds. He and everyone in his household were immediately baptized. 34 He brought them into his home and gave them a meal. He was overjoyed because he and everyone in his household had come to believe in God.

Monday, May 6, 2013

How God Emphasizes Joy

by Shahni Shirazi,

Come, let us raise a joyful song,
a shout of triumph to the rock of our salvation.
Let us come into Your presence with thanksgiving,
singing songs of triumph.

For you are a great God, a great king over all gods.
The depths of the earth are in Your hands; mountains belong to You.
The sea is Yours, for You made it;
and the dry land Your hands fashioned.

Let us bow down in worship, let us kneel before the One who made us.
For You are our God, and we are the flock that You shepherd.
We will know Your power and presence this day,
if we will but listen for Your voice.

Let those who would seek
continue seeking until they find.
When they find, they will become troubled.
When they become troubled, they will be astonished.
When they are astonished, then all will be theirs.

Good morning:
As I reflect on yesterday's message, both in the chapel and in youth group I see how God emphasizes joy to me. Through everything we go through joy can remain constant and is different than happiness. I watched The Incredible Vegetables with Alistaire and there it was again. If we know God, we have nothing to fear. We must remain in Him and listen to His voice. He is breaking my foundation so that my foundation can be grounded in Him. He has broken me so I may see His joy again and His love which no one can give me. He has broken me so I can even see myself through His eyes, I may experience His peace. He teaches me patience everyday and how to be an example of that to Alistaire. He has shown me kindness through all of the people I have encountered and shown me how selfish I am at times. Last night, I cried because of my selfishness and the horrible person that I truly am inside on my own. Without Christ, I have no goodness, no faithfulness, no gentleness and most definitely no self control. So I pray for each of us that His fruits come to fruition in our lives each day. I now understand what it means to take up your cross daily and we don't have to fear what is to come because our lives are in God's hands and once we take the time to listen and reflect on Him, we have the choice to walk in His will for our lives. What a glorious revelation for me to actually comprehend this instead of just reading His word and knowing that He says this to each of us. I can now live it! The greatest gift I have is Alistaire and the greatest gift I can give is Christ. Thank you all for your prayers, support and guidance as Pastors, friends and mentors.

Love in Christ,
Shahni Shirazi

Daily Scripture May 6, 2013

Acts 16:25-30 25 Around midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the other prisoners were listening to them. 26 All at once there was such a violent earthquake that it shook the prison’s foundations. The doors flew open and everyone’s chains came loose. 27 When the jailer awoke and saw the open doors of the prison, he thought the prisoners had escaped, so he drew his sword and was about to kill himself. 28 But Paul shouted loudly, “Don’t harm yourself! We’re all here!” 29 The jailer called for some lights, rushed in, and fell trembling before Paul and Silas. 30 He led them outside and asked, “Honorable masters, what must I do to be rescued?”

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Daily Scripture May 5, 2013

Acts 16:16-18 16 One day, when we were on the way to the place for prayer, we met a slave woman. She had a spirit that enabled her to predict the future. She made a lot of money for her owners through fortune-telling. 17 She began following Paul and us, shouting, “These people are servants of the Most High God! They are proclaiming a way of salvation to you!” 18 She did this for many days. This annoyed Paul so much that he finally turned and said to the spirit, “In the name of Jesus Christ, I command you to leave her!” It left her at that very moment.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Daily Scripture May 4, 2013

John 13:31-35 31 When Judas was gone, Jesus said, “Now the Human One has been glorified, and God has been glorified in him. 32 If God has been glorified in him, God will also glorify the Human One in himself and will glorify him immediately. 33 Little children, I’m with you for a little while longer. You will look for me—but, just as I told the Jewish leaders, I also tell you now—‘Where I’m going, you can’t come.’ 34 “I give you a new commandment: Love each other. Just as I have loved you, so you also must love each other. 35 This is how everyone will know that you are my disciples, when you love each other.”

Friday, May 3, 2013

Daily Scripture May 3, 2013

Psalm 148:13-14 Let all of these praise the Lord’s name because only God’s name is high over all. Only God’s majesty is over earth and heaven. 14 God raised the strength[a] of his people, the praise of all his faithful ones— that’s the Israelites, the people who are close to him. Praise the Lord!

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Preschool Opportunities for Low-Income Families

By Vicki Cromarty,
I recently got the opportunity to meet with some great people who came together to support a great cause – Preschool opportunities for low income families.

I know that this may not necessarily get your heart beating fast with excitement right away, but let me tell you, after sitting in on this meeting with these people and learning about what is going on in our own community –  it definitely got my heart engaged!

Did you know that right in our community of Broomfield there are families with children who are living in poverty? Our church is so great about helping with projects like food drives to support Broomfield FISH, our local food bank – which helps these families. But what else can we do to help?

What I learned that day is that research shows that Early Childhood Education is one of the most effective tools is helping kids succeed in school. To that end, 1/3 of all public preschool slots in Boulder Valley School District are reserved for families in poverty. This resource is free to these families in need, paid for through a bond initiative. Birch Elementary in Broomfield in particular right now has spots available for Fall in their Preschool. They want to ensure that all kids who are eligible have the opportunity to take advantage of this free resource-  to give them a head start to elementary school readiness. The challenge is that many families are not aware this program is out there or available to them.   

Here’s how we can help get the word out!!
Please join a group of people from Birch Elementary, BUMC, and other church partners on Saturday, May 11, from 1:00-3:00pm as we go into neighborhoods in Broomfield to get the word out about Birch Preschool (and all BVSD preschools).

On May 11 at 1:00pm, we will meet at Northmoor Park (just west of Bal Swan) for a short orientation. From there, we will be sent off to distribute flyers, maps, and goodie bags, canvasing the neighborhoods to enroll preschoolers and share of other resources available to families in need.

If you can give just two short hours of your day, we can potentially change a kid’s education success. Sounds to me like a little sacrifice for a really big result!

As I left that meeting that day, not only was I glad to have opportunities to help get the word out to these families, but even more importantly my heart was grateful to see people from various organizations – schools, churches, community organizations  coming together for a common cause to help families. That is a community that I’m super proud to live in. And our church is a church that is all about these kinds of community relationships – a church I’m proud to be a part of! I can’t wait to see what we can all do together next. I hope to see you on May 11!

Contact  if you are interested in volunteering on May 11, or feel free to contact me at with any questions. 

Originally posted on the BUMC Blog on May 1, 2013.

Healings of the Heart

by Graham Histed
Father God, You are so good.
Day one after the surgery. I have a gaping hole in my hand, something straight out of a horror movie to be honest. I can’t help but laugh though, and rejoice simply because of how much fruit has been born from this whole situation.
To give a little context, my hand had become infected during construction of a church in Eldoret, Kenya this April. We are guessing the infection was due to bacteria infested waters that contaminated an open blister on my hand. Don’t worry though, I had many keeping an eye on me in case I turned into a zombie overnight.
Gettin’ SWOLL bro... haha
Before leaving Eldoret, I got to pray with my friends. We prayed for great healing, a miraculous recovery to unfold before our very eyes, to see my hand the size of a birthday balloon rapidly deflate, leaving us in awe of all things Holy and dancing like we had ants in our pants. Sadly, God did not do such things, He did something better.
As we were praying for the Heavens to come down and give me a Holy high-five of healing, God began to do something that no surgeon, no doctors, no nurses, and quite frankly, no being other than the Creator of this universe could do. God began miraculous healings of our hearts, in the deepest of places where infections are hidden by darkness.
Our prayers almost immediately shifted from crying out in desperation for the throbbing pain to be vanquished, to us opening our hearts, souls, and minds to what the Holy Ghost had to say about the matter. My prayer became, “Father, I know you don’t waste a minute, and I know You are using this pain to bring us closer to You. I thank You for what You are teaching me, help me to understand and hear, sorry it took until now for me to begin listening. I KNOW YOU ARE FAITHFUL, HELP ME TO REMAIN FAITHFUL TO YOU.”
Our hearts then shifted from my body, to the body of Christ. My infection and ailment resulted from a simple opened blister. Something I have always overlooked and never taken seriously. God hit me hard with question, “What small openings, gaps, FOOTHOLDS, have you overlooked in your spiritual body, that have and can result in infection of the entire body of Christ?”
All of a sudden things began to clear up, and I was seeing the power and destructive nature of idols, and sins in my life that I had underestimated, like a small blister leading into an infection of my body. I began to repent for seeking people’s affirmation above God’s, and for idolizing myelf and my glory above His name. I began to see where I was trying so hard to make a name for myself on this Earth with my own infected hands, even though He has already given me a name, and calls me “son”.  
This is when God began cleaning my soul out, squeezing the infectious pus of sin and complacency out of me, and as with both situations literally and metaphorically, the cleansing process can be excruciatingly painful, but through it all, God is bringing me, my family, my friends, and even strangers in this hospital closer to Him through it all. 
Less swoll bro... But PUMPED on some SERIOUS MEDS!! 
I cannot deny the healings, the joy, or the intimacy that God has miraculously brought about during these 7 days of hospitalization, and I can only imagine what He as next. 
God is good. :) 
This was originally posted on Graham Histed's blog at on April 13, 2013. Reprinted by the kind permission of Mr. Graham Histed's bad self. Graham is participating this year in the World Race mission trip. More info at Posted on the BUMC Blog on April 30, 2013.

Bold Enough?

By Andrea Laser,
A couple of weeks ago I was at a small party with mostly people I didn't really know. We were all chatting, telling stories, eating and drinking. One person started to tell a story by asking, "There's no one here who is super religious, right?"
I didn’t grow up in church and until the birth of my first child, my husband and I did not attend church. In four years this is the first time that someone I don’t really know has asked me about my religion. Before coming to BUMC, I would have immediately said “no.” I was always a believer, but never considered myself religious. Now that someone was asking (and in a tone that definitely indicated she hoped not), I quickly had to decide, “am I super religious?” If it means that I attend church, then yes. If it means that I love and accept Christ as my savior, then yes. If it means that I want to put myself out there to be judged for what I believe, then…maybe. I decided I should say yes, but what came out was a very careful, “I sort of am.”
I braced for an awful response that would make me defend my beliefs and how I interpret religion without sounding judgmental about how someone else is religious. It turns out that the story had very little to do religion, and I didn’t have to defend anything, but I did feel the need to question the storyteller about what it had to do with religion.
After I left the party, I started reflecting on the question and my answer. I felt in some ways like I had denied Christ and who He is in my life. While in some ways the quiet answer “sort of,” and questioning the ties between religion and her story felt bold, in other ways it felt cowardly. I started to think about the early disciples of Christ. Had they not been bold about what and Who they believed in, would I know Christ now?
Was I bold enough? Maybe. Maybe not. But the next time fear sets in about being bold, I will try to remember how Jesus reminded Paul, “Do not be afraid; keep on speaking, do not be silent. For I am with you…” (Acts 18:9-10).
Andrea Laser is a BUMC congregation member.

Originally posted on the BUMC Blog April 22, 2013.

Monday Reflection

Yesterday was a fascinating day at BUMC! In his message, Ken explored the change in sleep patterns that took place during the Industrial Revolution. Until the time of the Civil War, most people slept in two different cycles. After retiring early, people would awaken in the early morning hours, taking time to reflect on their dreams, read the Scriptures, pray, and enjoy fellowship with family members. After this period of wakefulness, people would go back to sleep. Ken reflected upon Psalm 30, which may have been written in an early morning time of wakefulness. The psalmist reflects on recent events and gives thanks for God’s help. With boldness he then asks God for help with current problems. 

Sunday afternoon, the Star Trek Bible Study watched a classic episode, “Bread and Circuses,” after Liz Law-Evans shared her observations. The episode takes place on a planet the Enterprise visits where the crew finds a modern-day Roman Empire, complete with electricity and television. As the crew investigates, they encounter a non-violent resistance group that decries the brutality of the regime. Eventually the crew discovers that this group is the Christian movement. The episode raises all sorts of questions to ponder. It is one of my personal favorites.

Finally Marty Dormish led the first session of his four-part “Sweep Gospel Series.” He introduced the Sweep Report but devoted most of his time to a Bible study of Mark 1:1. Marty has a gift for presenting biblical context and insights with depth and simplicity. In the space of half an hour, Marty applied the concepts from biblical interpreters like Shane Claiborne and N.T. Wright to a specific passage, showing how Mark’s gospel begins with a bold proclamation that challenged the Roman powers of his own day. If you want to understand Mark, I invite you to join us on Sunday to the “Sweep Gospel” at 4:00pm in BUMC Room 201. I promise you a fascinating and easy-to-understand Bible study!

Random quote of the day: “It’s too bad about life. You get the test first, and then the lesson.” -- Curt from Madison, Wisconsin (quoted by Leeza Parcels)  

Originally posted on the BUMC Blog April 15, 2013.

Quit Looking for Lightning to Strike

by Shereen Fink,
Today's Inspirational Verse through the BUMC Text Ministry:
“Quit looking for lightning to strike...start recognizing and feasting on God’s words in the everyday.” Nakia Gater
We go through life thinking, “I’ll know when God shows me my calling because it will rock my world.” So, we drudge through life, doing what we think is the mundane; waiting for lightning to strike, the heavens to open up, and a loud voice to tell us, “This is IT!”  Yet, I’m convinced it is in the mundane that our mighty God is speaking to us.

Yesterday during church, a woman passed a note to me telling me she’s a substitute teacher and that recently a young man at the high school she taught at approached her and told her that he feels the focus on stopping violence is misdirected. In his opinion, violence starts with what youth hear in their music. He shared with this lady that some music (referring to Rap/Hip Hop music) demeans women and promotes violence. He continued on, telling her two Rap/Hip Hop singers who had tried to move the music in a positive direction had been murdered. He hinted at a conspiracy.

After the service I had the opportunity to speak in detail with this lady and find out that she had never met this young man of 14 or 15 before in her life, nor has she seen him since. She also said there had been no previous discussion about the issue of violence between them. The conversation seemed to come out of nowhere. Was it lightning striking or was it God trying to get her attention in the midst of everyday life? 

This teenager had never set eyes on this woman before in his life. She was a substitute for his regular teacher. Yet, somehow this young man followed a nudge to share that there’s something else driving the violence that is creating fear in people’s lives. His own heart must have been breaking when he shared with her that children as young as 8 or 9 are listening to music that plants negative seeds. His heart must have been breaking when he shared that the “good ones” had been murdered by the “evil ones."

I believe there are members of BUMC and the surrounding community who are listening to God’s word in their daily lives, recognizing they don’t have to wait for lightning to strike. They are diligently working to change the world and stop the violence. They are the 50+ people involved in the “Curbing Violence” initiative started by Gary Winkelbauer, a member of BUMC. This initiative has spawned special interest sub-committees focused on Mental Health and Violence, Safety and Security, Community and Connections and, most recently, School Partnerships.

Soon you’ll receive an update from Gary and his subcommittee chair persons providing more details on what they are doing. Hopefully the update will help you see how you can be a part of making a world where young teenagers don’t have to worry about younger children being exposed to destructive things in their lives; a world where children aren’t worried about their safety in their school or a movie theater. 

There was a reason why this young man approached this lady from BUMC. There was a reason why Pastor Ken’s message yesterday included reference to our Curbing Violence initiative and the school mentor program. There was a reason why I was setting in a service at church I don’t normally attend. There was a reason why a lady I hadn’t known that well before felt compelled to pass me a note. These weren’t lightning strikes. They were God’s word speaking in our everyday lives. We just have to recognize them.

Originally posted on the BUMC Blog on March 25, 2013.

Avoiding a Repeat Performance

“The Lord is not slow about His promise, as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing for any to perish but for all to come to repentance.” -- 2 Peter 3:9
Ben Kareer posed this interesting question: The only discussion topic I have would be around preventing the past from reoccurring again. Specifically, as we prepare for Easter what do the Gospels, New Testament, etc. encourage us to do so we are not in situation where someone has to sacrifice themselves for our sins again?
This topic has been explored in literature over the centuries, from Dostoyevsky’s story, The Grand Inquisitor, to Joseph Girzone’s novel, Joshua. These stories push us to consider how Jesus would be received if he returned to the earth in our time. How would I receive Jesus is He showed up today? Would I welcome Him?
A related question is this: In what guise will Jesus appear when He returns to the earth? Will He come to us with a sword, ready to do battle with the forces of evil? Many Christians say “yes,” and recent popular literature reflects this expectation. The Left Behind series concludes with a cosmic battle directed by a warrior Christ. Hal Lindsey made the same type of predictions in The Late Great Planet Earth. Certainly there is one strain of New Testament thought that supports this picture of Christ returning as a Davidic warrior who defeats evil forces and restores justice by force. As William Barclay explains in his commentaries on 1-2 Peter and 1 Thessalonians, this image reflects the association that the apostles made of Christ’s return with the Jewish concept of the “Day of the Lord,” the terrible day that precedes God’s restoration of the earth.
However there is another strand of New Testament thought that suggests Jesus will wait to return until the inhabitants of earth are ready to welcome Him home. Peter expresses this conviction succinctly in 2 Peter 3:9. Peter’s hunch is that Jesus is waiting until all people are ready to receive Him in a spirit of repentance (humility toward God and a willingness to embrace a new way of thinking).  In this understanding, Jesus will return in his normal mode of operation, as a Servant, who will lead all humans to complete his work voluntarily – not by force. This approach recalls Jesus’ admonition to the apostles: “You know that those who are recognized as rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them; and their great men exercise authority over them.  But it not so among you, but whoever wishes to become great among you shall be your servant…” (Mark 10:42-43).
What are our responsibilities as disciples in preparing for Jesus’ return in this model?
1) Practice repentance on an ongoing basis (Romans 12:1-3);
2) Prepare the earth for the return of Christ by teaching and practicing justice and mercy;
3) Do so using the rules of love and service that Jesus taught (Mark 10:43, 12:20-31).
In other words, prepare the way for Jesus’ rule without the use of coercion and force. Our imperative is the same as John the Baptist taught before the first appearance of Jesus (Luke 3:3-14). As John said, “Therefore bring forth fruits in keeping with repentance.”
This less familiar, less violent picture of Jesus’ return was embraced in the 19th century by American thinkers and artists who resonated with Isaiah’s imagery of “The Peaceable Kingdom.” The biblical support for such a view comes from the New Testament authors’ repeated quotation of one verse from the Psalms. Psalm 110:1 is the verse from the Hebrew Bible that is most often cited in the New Testament: “Yahweh says to Adown [my Lord], ‘Sit at My right hand, until I make Thine enemies a footstool for Thy feet.’” This verse is quoted in full five different times in the New Testament, including the three synoptic gospels, Luke and Acts. It is referenced in some form nine more times in Matthew and the epistles, most often in connection with the ascension of Jesus.
Jesus and the apostles embraced this verse as a description of the post-ascension era, when Jesus is be seated at God’s right hand while God’s people were preparing the earth for his return. God gives his people the instruction:  “Rule in the midst of Thine enemies” (Psalm 110:2), and “Thy people will volunteer freely in the day of Thy power” (vs. 3). While Psalm 110 employs militaristic images, the apostles adopted the Psalm’s mission without resorting to force or violence. Instead the early Christian movement became pacifistic, believing that God’s power would be released through healing love. Indeed it was. Unfortunately the church later became enamored with the use of force, culminating with the saddest chapter of all, the Spanish Inquisition.
In modern history, two Wesleyan groups adopted the language and mission of Psalm 110, adopting a military form of organization while practicing loving service consistently. You know those groups as the Salvation Army and the Volunteers of America. Their members agree with and practice the basic responsibilities outlined above: Practice repentance on an ongoing basis; prepare the earth for the return of Christ by teaching and practicing justice and mercy; and do so using the rules of love and service Jesus taught. 
Obviously Jesus can return to the earth at any time – and in any form – that God deems best. But the story need not end badly for anyone if the people of earth will receive the good news Jesus preached and practice the principles Jesus taught. It is up to his disciples to spread the good news and model the Way of Love. If God is as patient as Peter describes, the church’s reliance upon coercion and violence has only delayed Jesus’ return. We are called to a different, higher Way than the powers of the world.
It is fitting to close as we opened, with the words of Peter: “Repent therefore and return, that your sins may be wiped away, in order that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord; and that He may send Jesus, the Christ appointed for you, whom heaven must receive until the period of restoration of all things about which God spoke by the mouth of His holy prophets from ancient time” (Acts 3:19-21). Heaven waits for us to restore the earth through the disarming ministries of repentance, service, and love.

Originally posted on the BUMC Blog March 1, 2013.

1st 505 Snow Day

By Ken Brown,
I have to tell you, at 4:56pm on Sunday, I thought the 505 service was going to be five-on-five. Five of us leading worship for five people in the congregation. Then an avalanche of people happened -- 22 folks showed up -- and we blasted off, praising God at launch time, 5:05pm.

We sang lustily (see Joe Mazza for his interpretation of this term). During Thomas’ prayer I cracked myself up as I took a family portrait in my mind of who was at the service -- a cool teen decked out in green suede Nike’s, a tiny toddler in footed pajamas, dead ringers of Thelma and Louise, two seasoned couples (definitely not seniors), a strings ensemble, and a couple of natural science geeks that actually knew the “ideal gas law” when I referenced flatulence in my sermon…or did I say fart?

We sang lustily to the God who created the wonder called snow:
“Come thou fount of every blessing, tune my heart to sing thy grace; steams of mercy, never ceasing, call for songs of loudest praise.”

Originally posted to the BUMC Blog on Feb. 26, 2013.

The Best Kind of Tired

I am tired today, and have been for the past couple of weeks. 
Last Sunday in the chapel, we held a baptism service that was also a preview of our new 505 service. We experienced nearly 20 people commit or recommit their lives to Christ through the sacrament of baptism. It was amazing. We had no idea how many would show up but the chapel was nearly full.
So why does that make me tired? Because in addition to there being 11 services in the span of eight days at BUMC, many of us staff, along with dedicated volunteers, have been spending the last few weeks preparing for this baptism service and the 505 service - shopping trips to make sure the room feels right for this new experience, working out new technology that we've never used at BUMC before to create visuals that fit the space, and bringing music teams together and praying over, then choosing music that will fit what we feel God is doing. All these details that go into a new service have been keeping us busy - not to mention the fact that Easter is fewer than 50 days away!
In my Monday meeting with Ken, we both agreed that this kind of tired is the absolute best kind of tired. We're tired not because we're spinning our wheels with the daily grind but because we're getting to participate in incredible work that God is doing at BUMC. I hope you'll participate too by coming to our Ash Wednesday service tonight at 7:00pm and the first 505 service on Sunday evening!

Originally posted on the BUMC Blog on Feb. 13, 2013.

I Want to Be Like June

Yesterday, at 3:32pm, the office phone rang and the call was transferred to me. “Ken, June is in Hospice now, can you swing by the house?” It’s a triage time and I dropped everything to hurry over. The front door was cracked open in anticipation of my arrival, and I followed the trail of sun-washed interior lighting to the master bedroom. June’s husband of 64 years raised a sinewy finger to motion me bedside. I offered meager words that sounded trite, and forced a smile to keep from weeping. I stood in the “There” that I’ve known before and “There” is as awkward as ever.

June’s husband asks, “honey, is there anything you to want to say to Ken?” Her reply was, “thanks.” She prayed one of the three essential prayers we’ve been talking about in Sunday worship, “thanks.” I wondered as I drove home, “what would I say to a pastor if I had been in June’s “There”?” If I were dying today I would probably mutter regrets of wasted moments away from family, muse about an unfinished bucket list, and the prayer “thanks” would be a lot lower on my list of final lines to a pastor. May I grow up to be like June!

This Sunday in worship I will preach about the power of revelation when God’s Word frames us to be like Christ. If you are a work in progress, and you are committed to being in worship more often in 2013, then I will see you Sunday as we dare together to grow in Christ.

Originally posted on the BUMC Blog on Jan. 25, 2013.

Do You Want to See What Heaven Looks Like?

by Kay Rush,
As one of our active, energetic, church members approached my desk, she happily announced, “You have the best job in the world… seeing all these loving, smiling faces that come through these doors.” And ya know what… I couldn’t agree with her more! It really is a blessing and privilege to be surrounded by, and to encounter those that are making a real attempt to live Christ-like lives.  
Another “perk” of my job as receptionist is interacting to some small degree with the young students who attend Apple Tree Christian Preschool and their younger siblings. Most of us love to experience the enthusiasm and fresh, innocent approach that children bring to daily living, and I’d like to share with you one of those fresh, clear moments. As a busy and semi-harried mother was hustling her little girl back out to the car after dropping off another child at school, the little girl stopped outside the Chapel. The doors were closed so she went up to the glass, cupping her hands around her face to look into the darkness and then to witness the light coming through the colorful stained glass windows. “Mommy”, she exclaimed with all the excitement that a four-year-old can muster, “come see… it looks like HEAVEN in here.”
Now I figure that none of us can detail exactly what heaven will look like. However, I’ll never look into that Chapel and feel quite as nonchalant about its beauty. So next time you’re in the Chapel area, take a second, think like a child and decide for yourself if it looks just a little like Heaven!

Originally posted on the BUMC Blog on Jan. 18, 2013.

What We Can Learn From the Denver Broncos

Like many of you, I am getting great enjoyment out of the current Denver Broncos’ season. This team is a lot of fun to watch on both offense and defense – and the players are easy to like. It appears to me that the team is getting better by the week.
Indeed there is a reason or two this Broncos team is showing such improvement. If ever a football team were a poster child for “growth mindset,” this team is it. The growth mindset is the conviction that one can continuously develop his or her skills through learning, preparation, and practice. The growth mindset is contrasted with the “fixed mindset,” which is the conviction that your basic skills are fixed and not susceptible to great improvement.  
What is your potential for improvement? The way you answer that question will help you to determine your basic mindset, be it growth or fixed. Those with a growth mindset believe they can get better, and they are determined to put in the work to accomplish that goal. I realized the Broncos players had bought into the growth mindset after a recent victory. To a player, everyone in the locker room talked about the importance of getting better in preparation for the next game. All of the players expect to grow!
How do you respond to constructive criticism? Those with a growth mindset see evaluation and criticism as opportunities for continued learning and development. Those with a fixed mindset see any criticism as undermining their basic identities. I’ve noticed that the Broncos players never present themselves as perfect, but they acknowledge their mistakes and devote themselves to correcting them in practice. This team believes that excellent practice makes for excellent performance.
At the same time, the Broncos emphasize improving their strengths rather than overcoming their weaknesses. This is known as a strengths-based focus. Concepts and plays are developed around the primary strengths of the players on the bus. Thus last year’s offense exploited the read option, while this year’s offense incorporates many concepts that Manning used in Indianapolis. Why not play to the strengths of your personnel? You can do so in any workplace (or home, for that matter).
The growth mindset is foundational to New Testament theology, yet it is often missed. The apostles expected to grow spiritually and to develop greater expertise in ministry, and so they did. Perhaps the clearest expression of the growth mindset is found in 2 Peter 1:5-11, in which the apostle exhorts the readers to keep adding new virtues to their quiver. The whole book of Hebrews assumes a growth mindset, expressing impatience at the slow growth curve of the readers, and spurring them on to diligence in faith. Why do we gather together? To “consider how to stimulate one another to love and good deeds” (Hebrews 10:24).
Paul takes the growth mindset to full expression, exhorting his readers to this goal: “Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children…” (Ephesians 5:1).  If we can become like God, that is significant growth indeed!  Paul also encourages his readers to focus upon their strengths, encouraging the believers to develop and use their spiritual gifts (1 Corinthians 12). As followers of Christ, we don’t have to be good at everything, but we are called by God to grow in the areas in which we are gifted. In other words, discover your spiritual gifts and other strengths, and then develop them. The team known as the church will be at its best when each of us contributes our strongest gifts and skills to God’s work in concert with our brothers and sisters. 
Like the Broncos, we can grow in God’s work through study, preparation, practice, and service.

Originally posted on the BUMC Blog Jan. 11, 2013.

The Heart of Worship

I met my wife Theresa in 1999. We were both new to Nashville, working in the music industry, and were introduced by some mutual friends. I was a guitarist who wanted to sing better and she was a singer who wanted to improve her guitar playing. You could say I used those circumstances to my advantage and to spend as much time as possible with her. 
I had come to Nashville for a new beginning after a particularly difficult time in my life. I was raw and holding on to God tightly. And the best way I knew to do that was through music. I spent a lot of time in my apartment with just my guitar, my voice, and worship songs. Theresa joined me there and we spent many hours together singing, playing and writing songs that were for no purpose other than to offer to God.
Around that same time, UK worship leader Matt Redman wrote one of his most well-known songs, “The Heart Of Worship,” the lyric of which says:
"When the music fades, all is stripped away, and I simply come / Longing just to bring something that’s of worth that will bless your heart… / I’m coming back to the heart of worship, and it’s all about You, Jesus."
There’s a powerful story behind that song. The pastor of Matt’s church, Soul Survivor in Watford, England, felt that their church community had gotten too much into the “extras” of worship - a great band, a big, loud sound system, and the concert feel that went with it. He felt God prompting him to do a very brave thing and told Matt that, until further notice, there would be no band, no sound system, no instruments. The church would get together and just sing without any accompaniment. He asked the church the question, “When you come through the doors on a Sunday, what are you bringing as your offering to God?” Matt wrote “The Heart Of Worship” alone in his bedroom as a way to capture their experience. That song, and the accompanying question, resonated with Theresa and me as we committed our lives and music to God. And, ever since, we’ve connected with God most deeply not on a stage with lots of other musicians but through a guitar or two, in our living room, singing whatever comes to mind.
While I don’t think we at BUMC have become distracted by all the extra “stuff” that goes into our Sunday services, you’ll soon be hearing details about a new Sunday evening worship service that will aim to strip us to the core of what it means to worship simply. Just some acoustic music, great songs of faith, and our voices and lives. What will you bring?

Originally posted on the BUMC Blog on Jan. 9, 2013.

I'm happy to be with you, here at the end of all things.

I’m excited for the new year. It’s always nice to have a fresh start. A clean slate. Tabula rasa, if you will. I’m not really ever one to make resolutions or anything. It always just kind of feels forced, like we’ve got this arbitrary marker, so we may as well use it for something. 

Yesterday at the church my wife and I attended, the pastor talked about resolutions and how they can simply be based in our idolatry of self. “Half gods,” he talked about as he told the story of Moses, the Israelites, and the golden calf, and summed it up with a C.S. Lewis quote that left to themselves, our “half-gods” either vanish or become devils. 

So, all that to say, I’m not one for resolutions, and the sermon hit the nail on the head why. It just seems so self-serving most of the time, and then we feel guilty when we don’t measure up to these arbitrary goals we’ve set for ourselves or feel some sense of false pride when we do measure up. The real change that happens in our lives isn’t generally produced by arbitrary dates and decisions, but by the work of the Holy Spirit. 

So, I suppose, if anything, my resolution should be to pray for the Spirit to increasingly grow His fruit in me. Jesse DeYoung, the teaching pastor at Flatirons Church posted on his blog that he believes more in reviewing what happened over the course of the previous year. 
This year I learned that seeing the mountains every day just doesn’t get old. That Peyton Manning is as good as ever. That the Rockies are as bad as ever. That churches who practice both grace and truth are rare. That in the face of unspeakable acts of evil, an entire nation can agree that everything is not relative…there really is such a thing as right and wrong. That kids grow up too soon, and our time with them is more important than a TV show (even The Walking Dead). That God is good.
That last thing is such a hard thing to keep in the forefront of my mind and spirit. The past few years have brought some serious hardships in life for my wife and me (health issues and a lot of stuff that’s come with them, moving 1/3 of the way across the country just to come right back. I’m sure I’ll be writing more about it eventually), and we’ve both really struggled with our views of God and how He fits into it all. 

We’ve both spent our adult lives being poured out in youth ministry and music ministry and while we never did it for reward, it would be dishonest to say that we don’t feel let down by God after giving of ourselves to Him for such a time just to feel as though He’s forgotten to answer our prayers. 

We went to an impromptu prayer/worship time with friends on New Year’s night. Got the text that afternoon, saying God was laying it on their heart to meet regarding the upcoming new year and all that that might entail, so we packed up some snacks and headed over. In the course of a pretty emotional prayer time that we’re both still processing, one of my wife’s best friends prayed over us that she had this vision of Lisa and me as Frodo and Sam on the side of Mount Doom, having completed our journey and our task, but having no way to get home and not remembering the taste of strawberries, etc.  As it all burns around us, she saw that the eagles were coming to pick us up. That God’s deliverance was on hand and we should be ready for it. Now, I’m not sure what that means, but from time to time, I have to just sit back and say that’s OK and receive a word for what it is – a picture of God’s faithfulness. That He hasn’t forgotten us, that He hasn’t abandoned us, that He was making a way the whole time. And trust that that’s what we’ll see in this coming year. And that we’ll be stronger for having had the experience, and we can praise Him for how He moves and works, regardless of what we’re seeing at the time.

Originally posted on the BUMC Blog Jan. 7, 2013.

God's View of the New Year

“In the new year, Gracious God, help me seek peace, pray for light, dance for joy, work for justice and sing your praise.”  Larry James Peacock
I wonder how God views the end of one year and the beginning of another. I suspect he doesn’t delineate one year from the next. More likely his view is of the entire existence of mankind from start to finish. Having planned everything in advance, I’m guessing the change from 12/31/12 to 1/1/13 is a mere blink of an eye for our Creator.
For many of us mere mortals (smile) it’s a relief to think we can start anew with a new year, putting behind us the hardships and pain that seemed to be particularly prevalent this year. Yet, while 2012 has been a rough year for our family and many others in the congregation, our community, our nation and our world, God sees what is ahead.  He promises a bright and glorious future... a Promised Land. No matter the year or the circumstance we always have that to rely on.
I wish you joy and peace in 2013 and look forward to another year being a part of this wonderful church!

Originally posted on the BUMC Blog Jan. 2, 2013.

Reflections on Advent

As we come to the end of a year that has been challenging and grief-filled for our state and our nation, I have been reflecting upon the joy that God gives us. The season of Advent is a time when we focus upon the greatest gift ever given to us, the sending of God’s Son to our world. It is also a time to ponder Christ’s promise to complete the work that He began. He will reign among us and bringing peace to the earth.
This year I have experienced the same cognitive dissonance that Henry Longfellow did some 150 years ago when he wrote, “I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day.”  Overcome with grief at the loss of loved ones – as well the unrest and division he saw in America – he wrote these words…  “And in despair I bowed my head: ‘There is no peace on earth,’ I said, ‘For hate is strong, and mocks the song of peace on earth, goodwill to men.’”
Yet those bells which pealed on Christmas morning penetrated the cloud of grief and despair that had overwhelmed Longfellow in the cold Boston winter. The bells reminded him of God’s presence and promises, and he realized that God is not through with his plans. “Then pealed the bells more loud and deep: ‘God is not dead, nor doth He sleep; the wrong shall fail, the right prevail, with peace on earth, goodwill to men.’”
Joy, peace, and hope met Longfellow in the form of a song, and his world “revolved from night to day.” And these precious gifts have been meeting me each and every day this year, as God’s presence has provided great comfort to me in the midst of grief. The suffering in our world is very real, but it is not the end of the story. God somehow redeems the pain and teaches us as we walk with Christ through the hills and valleys of this life. And the promise, so well expressed by John Oxenham, remains:
Beyond the war-clouds and the reddened ways,
I see the Promise of the Coming Days!
I see His Sun arise, new charged with grace
Earth’s tears to dry and all her woes efface!
Christ lives! Christ loves! Christ rules!
No more shall Might,
Though leagued with all the Forces of the Night,
Ride over Right. No more shall Wrong
The world’s gross agonies prolong.
Who waits His Time shall surely see
The triumph of His Constancy;
When without let, or bar, or stay,
The coming of His Perfect Day
Shall sweep the Powers of Night away;
And Faith, replumed for nobler flight,
And Hope, aglow with radiance bright,
And Love, in loveliness bedight,
Shall greet the morning light!
~John Oxenham

Originally posted on the BUMC Blog Dec. 21, 2012.

The Advent Theme of Joy or the Lack Thereof

Written by Ken Brown, Senior Pastor,
I prayed God would speak to us all yesterday, and I hoped I would not hinder His voice. Yesterday, December 16, we celebrated the Advent theme of Joy. But it can be hard to find joy when innocent children are killed. It can be hard to understand singing Joy to the World when so many people are angry, confused or asking God “why”. But for so many people, Sunday morning services were crucial yesterday. One woman sent me an email that read: 
“I felt such urgency to be in church today to find guidance to help me move through the madness of this week, as I’m sure so many others were. I can’t even think about those kids in (Connecticut) without thinking about so many other kids I know who are 6 or 7, or without thinking about my own children and grandchildren.” 
The sender of this email said that the events of Friday morning touched her at her core. And she knows the shootings in Connecticut rocked a lot of people. God can bring guidance, and peace, when it seems like the whole world is spiraling downward. And for one woman, church brought a sense of community, guidance, and a feeling of peace. 
 Before my sermon yesterday a family from the congregation read about Joy and lit the pink candle on the Advent wreath. Not twenty minutes later, during my sermon, I snuffed out that pink candle. Tragedy can suck the joy out of a nation, and it can suck the joy out Advent. But in the midst of tragedy, and in the midst of dark days, Jesus brings joy to the world. Before the close of worship a child relit the pink candle. We are all God’s children, and we can all find joy. 
Where do you find Joy? Where will you find Joy this Christmas? 

Originally posted on the BUMC Blog Dec. 17, 2012.

Swept Away

Written by Layne Petersen, Director of Communications,

I went and saw one of the midnight shows of "The Hobbit" last night. My wife kept referring to it as something to add to her "Murtaugh List," which, for anyone who's seen the "Lethal Weapon" films, knows that that means she was feeling her age at 11:something as we headed to the theater. It was packed (my wife and our friend sat several rows in front of me as I was OK sitting in the single open seat I found), and I wondered how many of the people were there simply for the sheer spectacle of it vs. how many might be there to be transported into a tale larger than themselves. 

Being swept away is why I go to the movies, whether it's through middle earth on a back of an eagle, into several layers of dreamworlds to convince a man to break up a company, or into the insular world of a preteen boy and girl hiding out on their own island from their parents in 1960s New England. 

J.R.R. Tolkien (and by extension through the films, Peter Jackson) had a real gift for placing ordinary folk--his definition of Hobbits at the beginning of the book is the very definition of a small, ordinary creature--into extraordinary circumstances that revealed facets of their character they never realized were there. As Bilbo, Gandalf, and the company of dwarfs looked across the dawn-soaked miles to their destination of the Lonely Mountain, they have some small realization of the adventure they've already been through and that they've been changed already at the end of this first chapter. And I guess that's what I'm looking for in getting swept up into the films' stories. To be taken out of myself and shown new possibilities, even for just a couple of hours. Possibilities in the world, and possibilities in myself, I suppose. 

Honestly, sometimes music can do this same thing for me. Seeing an amazing band like U2 or mewithoutYou or Mumford and Sons will send me out positively vibrating with the possibilities the world has opened up. So I went to bed last night with visions of Middle Earth and defeating armies of goblins dancing through my head. Larger than life, to be sure. 

But then I woke up this morning to the news on Twitter that a disturbed young man had shot and killed 27 people in an elementary school in Connecticut this morning, and that sense of possibility deflated in about three seconds flat. As tears helplessly welled up and out and down my face, I read just the smallest bits of news, knowing that reading too much would absolutely break my heart. I wondered out loud to God why the heck he lets stuff like this happen. You know, the standard question given when we don't understand, as though God owes an explanation other than that people are sinful and the world's a fallen place. Which, I suppose, is why I feel that need to be swept away from time to time. I want God to show me the possibilities in this world, not just in celluloid adventures, but in reality. It's just hard to look past the heartbreak to see that far off view of the Lonely Mountain this afternoon.

Originally posted on the BUMC Blog on Dec. 14, 2012.