Enjoy this issue of In Step. Spring has arrived and flowers are beginning to bloom – I love this time of year! Whatever season of life you find yourself in these days, know that our God is walking with you through it. Regardless of circumstance, He never changes – Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever (Hebrews 13:8).
Blessings and Much Joy!
Kendra Parks J
BUMC Communications Specialist
When my spirit faints within me, YOU know my way! Psalm 142:3
Newsletter: http://broomfieldumc.org/clientimages/35460/newsletters/2011/april%2027,%202011%20newsletter-4page.pdf
Youth Newsletter: http://www.broomfieldumc.org/clientimages/35460/newsletters/2011/uthnewsletter%20-%20may%202011.pdf